FFA LSE Contest
On Friday, December 4th, the Plainview FFA Chapter attended the LSE contest. The chapter had more success this year than many of the past years. Many members placed well or even won their contest. In Coop speaking, Jordyn Anderson received 2nd place and will represent Plainview at state convention in April. Plainview Ag Demo teams did very well. The first team, made up of Austin Choat, Elle Kment, and Brittany Pellatz received 1st place, winning the district, and will also be going to state in April. The other Plainview Ag Demo, made up of Matthew Bonta and Brittani Wacker, received 3rd and are an alternate to state. In Junior Public Speaking both Austin Choat and Brittany Pellatz made finals but were unable to secure a spot at state. Senior Public speaker Elle Kment also made finals but fell short of state. Mackenzie Eskey competed in extemp speaking and received 2nd place and will go to State. Natural Resource speaker Nathan Choat won the district, earning 1st, and will be representing Plainview at state as well.
Along with the high school, Junior High FFA members competed and also did very well last Friday. In Discovery Speaking, Colton Choat achieved 2nd place, earning a spot at state. While Becca Kment received 3rd in Discovery speaking and will act as an alternate to state. In Ag Literacy, Carissa Wacker received 2nd and secured a spot at state. Plainview students in the People in Ag contest did well also. Becca Kment earned 1st, Sophie MacGregor got 2nd; Jackson Hoffman along with Abby Rafert also competed, all People in Ag contestants can compete at state convention.
Several members competed in other events. Grace Hoffman and Brady Scott both competed in Creed Speaking. Ty Hampton gave an extemp speech. Kylee Jipp would have given a Senior Public speech about Agritourism, but fell sick the morning of the contest. Brittani Wacker competed in Natural Resources. Plainview students competing in Job Interview included Austin Christiansen and Rosemary Gubbels. Teagan Ziems gave a Discovery speech on Security Cameras in Agriculture. Klarissa Norris competed in the Junior High Ag Literacy contest as well. Junior High members competing in quiz bowl included Becca Kment, Colton Choat, Luke Pellatz, Jacob Hoffmann, Carissa Wacker, Sophie MacGregor, Alexa Meyer, Klarissa Norris, Abby Rafert, Teagan Ziems, and John Scholte. All Jr. High quiz bowl team are eligible for state convention.
All in all, the Plainview FFA students did very well and did great representing their town and school. Good luck to all that are going to compete at state convention!